The purpose of the Roslyn Wakari Stables Trust is to foster the spirit of loyalty and generate funds to promote the general welfare of Roslyn Wakari AFC. Whilst the club is the beneficiary of all funds generated by the trust, it is still the trust that retains control of its distribution.
There are a number of past players and people associated with the club who may wish to retain or renew an association with the club and this vehicle provides that opportunity.

Our Beginnings
In mid-2019 Tony Van Gorp and Colin Thom came up with an idea to assist players in the club and improve the facilities. A meeting was called in August 2019 and plans were outlined to club members. Later, some club members were approached to become Trustees. They were: Tony Van Gorp, Richard Johnston, Darryl Swann, Dusty Quinn, Dave Johnston and Gary McConville.
In mid-2019 Tony Van Gorp and Colin Thom came up with an idea to assist players in the club and improve the facilities. A meeting was called in August 2019 and plans were outlined to club members. Later, some club members were approached to become Trustees. They were: Tony Van Gorp, Richard Johnston, Darryl Swann, Dusty Quinn, Dave Johnston and Gary McConville.
A bank account was sought and with the help of Paul Buckner, a lawyer from Downie-Stewart, a Trust deed was created and the trust was formally launched on 31 January 2020.
Roslyn Wakari Stables Trust Objectives
development of players;
development of coaches, administrators and managers;
scholarships for players;
assist in funding improvements to club facilities;
assist in the funding of playing gear and equipment;
to provide funding to players whose families are unable to financially commit.
Our Trustees
Dusty Quinn
Dusty has been involved with the club for over 10 years. Dusty has coached at junior and senior level and last year stood down from being the coach of the thirds. Dusty is the club Physiotherapist and Director at Back In Motion. He has over 30 years - experience in the industry and is a Physiotherapy Specialist. Dusty has been involved with Otago Rugby, The Highlanders, Southern United and The Milk cup team. Having been involved at an executive level in several professional groups in NZ he brings some governance and organisational experience to the Trust. As a long suffering Leeds United fan he is familiar with the highs and lows of supporting a football team but is an eternal optimist!
Darryl Swann
Darryl was a playing member at Roslyn Wakari between 1981-1992, Darryl switched codes from Rugby and started playing for the National Insurance team. Darryl played for the Premier team for a few years and captained them for a season and went on to be player of the year. Darryl gave back to the club by coaching the Fletcher Cup team as well as Juniors. Darryl works in the IT industry and has founded a few companies (Computer Concepts Ltd being one of them). In 2018 Darryl decided to retire, but couldn’t stay idle, and has started another company DataSentinel which has been operational since April 2019. Over the years Darryl has also sat on a number of boards. Darryl is a great example of loyalty to Roslyn Wakari, as an ex-player who has moved away from Dunedin he is still actively involved in the club and it’s people and stays in regular contact through visiting the clubrooms when he is in Dunedin.
Richard Johnston
Richard (RJ, Rick) started his association with Roslyn as a junior, back when ice hard pitches were the norm. Before then his big brother Les and father Richard Snr played for Roslyn. Richard Snr is possibly the oldest living ex-Roslyn player at the mighty age of 92. RJ began his senior career at Roslyn but was lured away with promises of glory days. After a number of years working and living overseas, including a stint in the UK with Roslyn legends Gaz, Robbie, Con, Ed and Slug, RJ returned to Dunedin in the early 90s and re-joined the fold. RJ has been involved with the club ever since, as a player, on the committee, and using his business influences for the aid of the club where possible. He is time poor these days with business commitments, however, RJ’s main contribution to the club over the past 10 years has been as the club’s main sponsor. If you’re lucky you’ll also spot RJ down at the club on a Saturday night having a pint.
Dave Johnstone
Dave (The Weapon) Johnstone unfortunately started playing football for Caversham in the 1970’s but saw the light at joined Roslyn Wakari when he was 19, making this his 40th season for the club. Dave has won numerous trophies throughout his years, most notably a number of Mime Nights trophies. Dave has served on the Roslyn Wakari committee and was the club secretary for many years, he has coached men, women and junior teams and is a life member. Dave wrote a book on the history of Roslyn Wakari for the 125 celebrations which ranked as a finalist in the NZ Media Association Awards. Dave’s entire family has played for Roslyn Wakari, wife Ang and daughter Aliehsa in Women’s teams, Brad in Prems and Holly in the Women Prems.
Tony van Gorp
Tony (TVG) has been involved in the club for coming up to 50 years, as a Junior “player” in the early 1970's started as a junior coach in the late 1970's, Senior “player” from the early 1980's Junior then Senior committee, Club Captain, In the Dizzy Heights of superclub in the 1990's was Secretary Treasurer. Senior Coach Player/Coach, Womens Premier coach in the 1990's as well as various rep Teams and still heavily involved in Coaching in the girls space, and southern girls academy, junior teams and mentor to up and coming coaches/players. His Family owned company has been a major sponsor of Roslyn Wakari for a number of seasons. Made a Life Member in 1993, founding member of the Sunday Club, Cider Club, and now the Stables Trust and still always keen to offer an opinion on football for those who will listen.
Gary McConville
Gary McConville (Gaz or Gazza) joined Roslyn Wakari Juniors back in 1970 and is still here 50 years later! In 2016 Gaz was appointed a life member following 6 years as Club President, 11 years as Club Captain, 23 years on the Committee and Player/Coach of 14 League winning teams, a record to aspire to! Gaz's two brothers are also long term Roslyn members and they are the only three-brother combination to have all scored a goal in the same game for the same team in an Otago competition match, another record to envy! Gaz is great club man and is always rocking a smile on a Thursday or Saturday night at the clubrooms and is always keen for a chat about anything and everything Roslyn!
Ian Sawyer
Ian (Sauce) first joined Roslyn Wakari in 1998 when his 15th Grade Otago team (plus Tony van Gorp) were entered as a team into the old Tower Insurance League. He went on to play a number of seasons in the Men's Prems before heading overseas. Since his return to Dunedin he has played for a range of Roslyn teams and now resides in the Over-35s Originals. As well as being Secretary to the Stables Trust, Sauce is also currently the Club Treasurer and is actively involved in coaching and helping out within the Junior Club where all four of his kids play.